The Art of Silvershine

{16 September, 2008}   a meeting with the bosses

We had a meeting with our teachers today, about the project. There weren’t quite satisfied with our project document, so we had to improve some of the parts.
Next week we will hopefully be finished with our milestone plan.

{10 September, 2008}   Design Document

It appears that we were not quite finished with the Product Document after all…
However, we have worked a lot on it recently. We have used some new tools and methods, Socratic Dialog* and Dia to mention a few.

We have also defined our roles and jobs more accurately, and have made full character descriptions and relationships. We have also done a little more work on concept art, 3D models, and storyboard.

*: Unfortunately we could only find a norwegian wikipedia site about this topic.

{2 September, 2008}  

We had our weekly meeting today, and finished off the Product Documentation. We also decided to impliment the Scrum process to help us keep things organised and on schedule.

Here is a sneak preview of a Demon we are working on, keep in mind that this is an extremely early version of both the model and normal map… not to mention the texture.

et cetera